How Much Do Barbers Make a Week?

Barbers can make a decent living, but their weekly salary can vary and it truly depends on themselves only. The harder you work, the better your reputation is, and the better your advertisement is – the pricier your services can be. However, here are some of the most common facts regarding barbers and their salaries in the UK.

Junior barbers, after completing their training, can expect to earn anywhere from £40-£60 per day. Usually, they will also have around £20 in tips. If you work a 6-day week you can expect to make around £360 per week.

However, senior barbers can earn double the amount!

Another great perk of working as a hairdresser or as a barber is that you can also make money by selling your hair-care products. Some shops will pay a £2 in commission for each pomade or wax sold. If you are a people person and you know how to convince someone into something, you can profit from this as well!

You can ask for an hourly salary, or you can ask for a split or commission. A shop could share your revenues with you, at say 60/40. This means that for every £10 that you make, you keep £6 and the shop keeps £4. This is great if you work at a busy hair salon where there is a lot of traffic.

CPBA offers free employment advice and guidance to their barbering learners. They also offer free   barbering work placement

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