
Lawyers for your business – 020 7405 9075- You can access 30 minutes free consultation with a Solicitor

Start-Ed Pro Bono Law Clinic – legal and business advice centre
Who: Pre-start, start-up and established
What: Free advice on a range of business and legal matters
Sector: All
When: Term time only
Additional Information: The Start-Ed service is a free walk-in centre. It is run by law students of The City Law School and supervised by local professionals and experienced start-up owners. No booking is required and the service runs on a Tuesday from 6.15 – 8.15pm, October – April, term time only. Users are advised to arrive early and the service is operated on a first come first serve basis.

BPP Legal Advice Clinic for Enterprise
Who: Pre-start, start-up and established
What: Free legal advice service to businesses in the London area (Company Incorporation, Contracts, Intellectual Property)
Sector: All
When: The clinic cannot support clients in August or during the Christmas holidays.
Tel: 0330 0 603633
Additional Information: Interested businesses need to leave a voicemail message, which will be picked up by a student advisor. If the clinic can assist, an appointment will be made for a face-to-face interview. Each interview is followed up with a detailed letter of advice (students are supervised by a qualified lawyer) and additional support if necessary.

The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre (LAC)
Who: Pre-start, start-up and established
What: Free legal advice to members of the public and businesses in London
Sector: All
When: The clinic is open for appointments term time only (October – May).
Additional Information: The service is delivered by LAC Student Advisers under the supervision of qualified lawyers. If users are allocated an advice session with the centre they will attend an appointment with two LAC Student Advisers and a qualified lawyer, and receive free written advice within fourteen working days. Legal advice will not be provided during the appointment. The centre has specialist support for arts based businesses, ex-forces personnel, immigration, and the qLegal service for tech start-up companies and entrepreneurs.

Lawyers for your Business (LFYB)
Who: Pre-start; start-up; established.
What: A scheme offering a free half hour consultation with a member of the Law Society.
When: Ongoing.
Sector: All.
Tel: 020 7405 9075 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
Additional information: See knowledge bank articlefor further details.

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